Our PDM Professional FASTSTART Program, is a proven implementation methodology using industry-standard best practices to enable your company to smoothly and efficiently launch your PDM (Product Data Management) system. With this approach you can gain the benefits of a PDM system and start realizing return of investment in the shortest amount of time.
FASTSTART Program Objectives
- Establish a secure centralised PDM vault
- Eliminate manual SOLIDWORKS file management tasks
- Provide automated revision control and seamless SOLIDWORKS file reference management.
- Capture design release process with built in workflows, revision control and user authorisation access control.
- Facilitate and support users working on the same SOLIDWORKS design projects.
- Eliminate wasted time by providing search tools, built in previews and where used reports.
- Automate repetitive tasks like publishing pdfs or printing drawings
- Expert advice and guidance for the end users when PDM is put into production use.