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With over 35 years of experience, the TriMech Group offers a comprehensive range of design, engineering, staffing and manufacturing solutions backed by experience and expertise that is unrivalled in the industry. The TriMech Group's solutions are delivered by the divisions and brands shown here, use the links above to visit the group's websites and learn more.



How the Medical Industry Uses SOLIDWORKS
Integrated Product Development Solutions

Within the medical industry the constant need to increase patient safety whilst reducing liability, global competition and increasing numbers of regulations which must be complied with are just a few of the Macro Critical Business Issues faced on a regular basis

SOLIDWORKS' expansive range of integrated product development solutions help your business meet these challenges. Improve and increase the efficiency of the product development process and allow you business to truly develop with SOLIDWORKS.

SOLIDWORKS can offer real solutions to the challenges faced by various members of the production team.

Challenges and Solutions for...

Managing Director - Patient safety must be constantly monitored and increased whilst ensuring liability reduction
CAD Solution
Provide preliminary proof of safety prior to clinical trial investment
SOLIDWORKS CAD software enables the user to produce effective designs within a 3D modelling space allowing for greater visualisation, precision and detail. SOLIDWORKS' integrated simulation software allows you test product performance in real life scenarios ensuring effective product performance simulation.
Internal maintenance of records including ECOs, instructional materials etc
SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM system allows for checking in and out of documents with features including history recognition, data stamping and revision numbering. It also enables all documentation and records to maintained and monitored allowing any changes, versions and revisions to be tracked, especially essential in the medical industry for FDA.
Head of Engineering - Maintain customer satisfaction, monitor operating costs and produce quality products
CAD Solution
Engineers are required to test a range of set-ups prior to production and testing.
SOLIDWORKS CAD software integrates the design and Simulation analysis allowing for various analysis to be ran across numerous design configurations, testing the physicality of a product in such a way is able to reduce prototyping costs and time and reach the best solution faster whilst providing engineers with confidence in the product prior to manufacture.
Accurate design is essential when producing medical products, particularly true in the case of replacement human body parts
SOLIDWORKS has the capability to scan 3D data and use it as the foundation of a fully functioning solid model, further to this the advanced surfacing and complex shape capabilities within the software ensure greater accuracy.
Increased demand for aesthetically pleasing products
SOLIDWORKS advanced modelling capabilities which are able to produce beautifully organic shapes using the advanced surfacing and complex shape modelling functionality are ideal for producing aesthetically pleasing products.

 Solid Solutions | Trimech Group
