The majority of Treske’s pieces
are made to order, therefore getting designs right first time is critical to
saving the business time and money. Before using SOLIDWORKS, it was not
uncommon to find drawings of full size rods on the shop floor and the team using
these to try and interpret more complex designs. The accuracy of this process
was questionable and the interpretation dubious. The need for a 3D CAD package
which could quickly output accurate drawings was identified.
The motivation for
implementing a 3D CAD package was initially to act as a production aid – it
needed to be quick and easy to produce not only the bespoke designs but
importantly, the required drawings. SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor were
considered as a solution. Without having any previous experience in 3D CAD,
Treske requested demonstrations and asked the application engineers to perform
a task which would be common in their workflow. After seeing the speed and ease
at which this could be performed in SOLIDWORKS, Treske made their first venture
into computer aided design, back in 2002. Treske have a long-standing and ever
expanding relationship with SOLIDWORKS and partner products, including
manufacturing aids such as SolidCAM and SigmaNEST. Mark Littlefair, Operations
Director at Treske, comments “I have personally seen SOLIDWORKS improve over a
10 year period, the interface and continually growing enhancements following
customer suggestions have impressed us greatly.”.