This is a fun model to show off the power of motion analysis, which is a product inside SOLIDWORKS Premium.
This is a fun model to show off the power of motion analysis, which is a product inside SOLIDWORKS Premium.

I’ve created a golf course out of a few parts. These include
the ball the course and the club. I’ve designed the course to provide a
difficult straight line shot, therefore would require lift to be given to the
ball to carry it down the fairway.
To achieve this I’ve given the club head an angle of 40
degrees and in the motion study I gave the club a rotation speeds high enough
to generate lift.
In motion mates that are generate while in the motion
analysis tab are local to the motion product, and do not map across to
SOLIDWORKS. When going from SOLIDWORKS to motion, the mates are mapped. So to
allow the club to spin freely in a housing, I needed to apply a hinge mate to
the end of the club into the housing. This takes away 5 degrees of freedom and
allows the final rotational degree of freedom.
The final degree of freedom is to be governed by the rotary motor in
I fixed the support
for the club with an angle mate as well lining it up with the floor. The angle
mate allows me to adjust the angle of the shot, in case I miss. The motor in
motion governs how hard I hit the ball. I’ve used segments for the type of input
for the motor as it allows me say what happens per time step. So for this motor
I choose 1sec the motor will rotate -150 degrees then in 0.2 secs the rotate to
150 degrees, which is 300 degrees worth of travel.
The next key step to set up something like this is get the
correct contact. So I had to specify contact between the club and the ball. I
choose to have the material set as steel (dry) for both, as this best
represents the materials out of the choices. I then needed contact between the
ball and the course, so that the ball doesn’t fall through the floor.
In motion because we are using rigid body movement, the
frame rate of calculation has a large effect on the contact. If one calculation
at one frame doesn’t capture the contact that has been specified then the
contact may not occur. In the model I struggled with the exact frame rate
because the speed of the ball coming down was so high. I had to recalculate the
motion analysis at different frame rates to get the correct sweet spot. After
trying values like 25, 50, 75, 121 I found that 141 gave me the correct
So as you can see in the video the ball gets half way down
the fairway in flight and rolls on to the end. I challenge you to get a hole in
Jack Murphy
Applications Engineer