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My.SolidWorks - Everything Under One Roof

Monday November 25, 2013 at 2:43pm
The SOLIDWORKS user base is growing at a massive rate- there are over 2.5million users worldwide, and off the back of this the developers, resellers and customers alike are creating a vast amount of online content for you to tap into. You may already know that we have ourselves created a fantastic online portal, exclusively for our customer base via Solid Solutions TV - all of our weekly webcasts and tips and tricks videos are archived and available to view on demand from your PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone.
On top of than this, SOLIDWORKS themselves have recognised the need to combine all of their online resources - up to now there was a separate website for Forums, Blogs, You Tube Channels, online help and the Customer Portal- obviously very inefficient to remember all the URLs and login information for each. As a result, a new single, unified online portal is available to connect into - from one simple webpage you can now tap into all of these online areas through one search engine. What's more the valued feedback being received by users has meant more and more content is to be added in the new year- including eLearning resources and specific Reseller content.
You will have to sign up and validate your access using your serial key, but this will give you unrestricted access to a huge library of tips, tricks and solutions. Use the simple search in the center of the screen:
And then you can filter the results according the the icons on the left side of the screen- i.e.whether you want the results from the online help or a blog etc.
In addition, we are also commited to contribute a blog post every month so go check it out.
By Adam Hartles
Training Manager

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 Solid Solutions | Trimech Group
