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Customising Simulation Report Images

Tuesday May 28, 2013 at 9:43am
Recently several customers have commented that Simulation Reports are fantastic - except for one annoyance: that you can't show a bespoke orientation or zoom state for the results images. I understand their point as often you need to show a stress concentration which is too small with the default zoomed-out state. They were delighted when I showed them that this can, in fact, be done, you just need to be shown how. So here's how.
The first thing to do is to create a 'New View' of the zoom state and orientation you want for the final image in the report. This is done with the 'Orientation' menu that pops up if you press the space bar. The second icon in the list allows you to capture the current orientation and zoom state and save it with a bespoke name. This is shown in the image below. You can see I have already set one up called 'Pedal Bearing' to show the stresses local to the bearing on the bottom of a bike frame.
The next thing to do is to tell the Simulation Plot to use this view when displaying the plot - and therefore when publishing the Report to Word. This is done in the 'Properties' of the plot by choosing 'Associate plot with name view orientation' and selecting your required view.
Using this technique you cane easily set up a series of Report results images that show all the details you need.
Andy Fulcher
Technical Manager
Solid Solutions Management Ltd

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