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Dell Precision Performance Optimiser Utility

Saturday June 8, 2013 at 10:42am
It's common knowledge that here at Solid Solutions we promote the use of DELL as our recomended hardware provider. We use Dell Precision Laptops for our Application Engineers and Satalite Training Venues while Desktops in our main offices Training suites. The Dell Precision range is a specifcilly design CAD Workstation grade piece of Hardware so you know you'll be able to get the most out of SOLIDWORKS.
If you've enquired through the Support Desk or noticed on our home page, we have a PDF outlining our hardware recommendations We even offer Customers the option to purchase Dell equipent through ourselves.

Dell Precision Optimiser

Dell have released a utility called the "Dell Precision Performance Optimizer" and this contains pre-defined profiles for specific Software, one of which is Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS. This applicaiton is provided to improve performance, by changing various system settings. This focuses on enabling multiple cpu cores, allowing multiple threads. Graphics are adjusted through vertical synhronization to adjust the refesh rate while system power schemes target higher performance and battery life while you're using SOLIDWORKS. 
Built into it, is a nice dashboard feature so you can see the memory use fluctuations, CPU utilization, storage activity and graphics.Take a look on
Simon Beamish
Applications Engineer

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 Solid Solutions | Trimech Group
